Sekilas mengenai pembicara
Yos Ginting
Director External Affairs
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk.
One Pacific Place Lt 18
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 52-53
Sekilas mengenai profil perusahaan Sampoerna
Revenue 2012: IDR 66.7 Trillions
Market Cap (Jan 2002) = 17.5 T
Market Cap (Nov 2013) = 288 T
Sekilas mengenai Philip Morris International
Net Revenue 2012: USD 31.4 Billions
Operating companies income 2012: USD 13.2 Billions
Operating in 160 Countries
Berikut sekilas rangkuman yang beliau sampaikan pada
kelas Kapita Selekta Teknik Fisika ITB pada 22 November 2013.
Issue Questions
For fresh graduates entering job market
If there are so many companies looking for
empliyee, why is it not easy to get hired?
For people already have jobs
If there so many companies having difficulty in
filling up senior roles, why the opportunity never came to me?
What do companies really look for? How much do companies
value talents? What’s missing in me?
How much do companies value talents?
Perkiraan gaji eksekutif Rp 2.5 M – Rp 3.5 M bahkan gaji
di atas Rp 3.5 M (Tahun 2007)
Penduduk Indonesia Usia Kerja 2012
Penduduk usia kerja 15 tahun ke atas 172,86
Angkatan kerja 120,41
Pengangguran terbuka 7,61
Bekerja 112,8:
~Bekerja penuh 77,25
~Bekerja setengah penuh 35,55
>Setengah pengangguran
terpaksa 14,87
>Setengah pengangguran
Bukan angkatan kerja 52,45 (sekolah, mengurus
rumah tangga)
Why do employers recruit people?
Opportunities/Problems <– People <– Organization
<- Results
Capacity and compleity of Problems
The person solving certain
level of complexity
must have the same or more
Where success may lead to failure
Past success may lead to future failure f the new roles
exceeds capacity of job holder. Example: a company with a mission to be a true
national company.
Shift Happens
Life’s little question
‘are some people just born adaptable or is it their CHOICE?”
Choose the right language
(dodge the bullets or wear the bulletproof)
Bulletproof armor comes from self chane to be adaptable
Manage your self-talk
If you think you can, or you think you can’t YOU’RE
RIGHT! – Henry Ford
Opportunity -> This is not my expertise, but I will
give it a try!
Video lyre bird (winning by adapting the behaviour of
Motivasi harus berasal dari diri masing-masing, bukan
dari perusahaan.
It’s easier to change ourselves, than hoping others to
Warna diri
(kuning, oranye, dan merah) – identifier untuk
orang-orang yang suka bekerja yang sifatnya analisa dan mendukung dengan
mereka2 yang senang di lapangan dan make action.
Be adaptable.